Meall nan Tarmachan

So, back in the van after a month or two mostly indoors in yoga training.. I headed back up to Perthshire. The forecast was good and Meall nan Tarmachan was in my sights. This lovely beast sits on the North side of Loch Tay, alongside the Lawers range. Having not been in the van inContinue reading “Meall nan Tarmachan”

Beinn Sgulaird, forever ago

For everyone who’s forgotten who I am since its been ages since my last post… Hi I’m Ashleyđź‘‹, and I’m living in a teeny tiny van while I camp my way around Scotland attempting to tackle munros and find yoga classes (and showers). Anyone who follows my instagram might know I’ve been busy doing yogaContinue reading “Beinn Sgulaird, forever ago”

Beinn a’Chochuill and Beinn Eunaich

It amazes me every time how bright the moon can be on a clear night. I camped in one of the forestry commission car parks – miles away from any light pollution – and spent a fair amount of time standing outside the van staring at the sky. My phone put up a fair effortContinue reading “Beinn a’Chochuill and Beinn Eunaich”

Geal Charn and A’ Mharconaich, with a new walking buddy

Quite a few people have asked me whether I get lonely in my van. And most of the time I’m not particularly lonely, because I’m occupied with the stuff I’m doing (predominantly chores) and I’m quite happy in my own company. But like anything, living in a van travelling round Scotland has its ups andContinue reading “Geal Charn and A’ Mharconaich, with a new walking buddy”

Three in Kintail

I remember visiting Kintail on a family holiday when I was little, and I’ve been excited to go back. Mum used to say the mountains rise right out of the sea up there. And finally – FINALLY – the weather forecast was looking really exciting. My friend Ali was on his was up for aContinue reading “Three in Kintail”